Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters

Irreversible Damage joined my library as a direct result of the woke mob. When it was released, they automatically tried to cancel the author. Which means I automatically had to buy it. Didn’t even matter if it was good, which it is, I so despise cancel culture and the pig ignorance it stands for, that whenever anyone is canceled, with a few exceptions like Nazi’s and Communists, I throw my support behind them. Oh, who are we kidding, the woke mob would never cancel a communist. Anyway, this week’s book of the week is NOT a book on communism, it’s Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Abigail Shrier. This review was originally released on YouTube on July 5, 2021, but is now available on Rumble and PodBean.

Now, in addition to wanting to learn something new, wanting to thumb my nose at woke scolds, my niece is caught up in this craziness, so I definitely wanted to know more about it on a personal level. And on many levels, this book was completely eye-opening. And basically, confirmed my own thoughts on what is going on with my niece. So, my thoughts, for her, were that she developed very early, hitting C cup at like 13. So, in addition to the general awkward horror that accompanies teenage years anyway, I think she started getting bullied at school. So not too long after this, she made the declaration that she was gay. No worries there, the entire family was like if you is, you is. Good for you! But being lesbian was not enough to stop the bullying. So, then she announced she was trans. The bullying stopped, because being lesbian is no longer social cachet to stop people being completely shitty to you. And anti-bullying propaganda aside, teachers are full of shit when they say zero tolerance for bullying. Unless you fall into a truly protected class like transgender.

Now, this general hypothesis of mine is borne out in spades through Shrier’s careful research and investigation. The anti-bullying movement receiving all the attention is the transgender movement. But there is so much more than just the anti-bullying that goes into the transgender movement. Shrier starts with the hypothesis that the sudden uptick in transgender girls to boys is basically a social contagion, likened to anorexia/bulimia, cutting, suicide trends, and recovered memories. What girls need is sanity and counseling. Instead, what they get is absolute affirmation. But, as Shrier points out, if you were treating a girl with anorexia, you wouldn’t start a counseling session by confirming that yes, she is fat. You would explore the underlying reasons she believes this. Yet when a girl tells a counselor she’s transgender, the counselor is not even allowed to question this. Questioning this will, at the very least, get the counselor “canceled”. This most likely leads to losing their license. It’s literally a case of the inmates are running the asylum, with the doctor’s full blessing and support!

Parents are put under emotional blackmail and told that if they do not immediately affirm their daughters assertions that they are trans, then the girls are at higher risk of suicide. It’s a very weird, backwards land. Shrier focuses primarily on natal girls in this book because girls are the ones who are, in absolute droves, coming out as trans, when historically, gender dysphoria affected boys, to the rate of .01 percent of the population. But now, it seems like everyone knows someone who is trans, and it’s almost always a girl who is trans. And this transformation comes with an incredibly steep price.

Shrier did some solid research and reporting on the drugs and procedures used to effect this transformation. The “puberty blockers” that are “no big deal, they just buy time for a person to decide what they really are” include such long-term effects as permanent infertility.  Turns out, when you tell mother nature you want to turn her off, she might just take you at your word and tell you to fuck off if you decide you were just kidding. The testosterone that is seen as basically the holy grail of trans girls to boys, also comes with permanent, irreversible side effects. In as little as three months of steady doses, the change in voice is permanent, as is the increased body hair, and the increased risk for ovarian cancer and heart disease. And the increased risk is significant. Like twice as likely to die of heart attack than even the average man. Additionally, the doses of testosterone can also lead to vaginal atrophy, which is as horrifying as it sounds, and possibly lead to such horrible cramping that the best recommendation doctors can give is to have a hysterectomy. When girls have the double mastectomy to give them a man’s chest, this also cannot just be undone. You might be able to achieve a credible breast with implants, but, having removed the required understructure of mammary glands, you will never be able to breast feed your children. This is assuming you haven’t done so much damage to your other reproductive organs through doses of testosterone that were never meant for a woman that your reproductive organs just quit.

But, Shrier includes some hope among the horror. There is a small, but growing, community of de-transitioners. There is a reddit forum and plenty of YouTube videos of girls who, after walking down the pathway, determined they were not trans. What added an additional layer of horror to some of these stories is the very clear indication that there are sexual predators among the trans-community; however, Shrier does not decry the entire community as predators and does clarify that, very much like the straight community and even the gay community, the predators are NOT the norm. But they are there, and they will take advantage, through the métier of the trans-community, telling a girl to boy that failure to participate in the desired communication is “kink-shaming.” Yeah….let’s just groom an already vulnerable population for further abuse.

This book was excellent. No where in it does Shrier judge anyone, she certainly allows for the reality that there ARE transgender men and women and addresses this topic with empathy and reason. But she rings an important alarm bell in recognizing this cultural phenomenon and the long lasting consequences of this for our girls, and possible steps to turn back the tide. In ten or twenty years, there will be commercials on television “were you encouraged to be trans-gender by your doctor in high school? You may be entitled to compensation…”


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