The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas are Killing Common Sense

I first learned of Dr. Saad through The Joe Rogan Experience, and he is a polymath who does not subscribe to the idea of stay in your lane academics. If you want to watch the review on YouTube or Rumble, click the appropriate link.

The Parasitic Mind is filled with an excellent deconstruction of postmodernist ridiculousness which has infected college campuses for the last 50 years or so. He attacks social constructivism, radical feminism, transgender activism, social justice activism, and radical Islam, tearing each one down in it’s turn using science that he knows about. Deeply. He’s an evolutionary psychologist…he studied the psychology of evolution.

Now of course, none of the above are “safe” to attack anywhere. Not on college campuses, not on social media, but bless him, he does, he does it every day, and it’s a joy to watch.

He starts the book by recounting his own childhood and flight from Lebanon, which is terrifying to read about. This is a life experience we hope to never experience. It’s terrifying because what he is describing is that othering of an entire section of society. Which we see today with the concept of “deplorables.” Basically, if you don’t toe the DIE Cultists line, your name is going on a list for later culling. At least, that’s what AOC said right around the election: We need to keep track of who these Trump supporters are because they’re going to delete all their tweets and we need to know who they are for later. 

Like….Why? Why do you need to know who they are for later? We live in AMERICA, where freedom of speech is still allowed, and may I remind you, there is a difference between hate speech, and speech that you hate. They are actually not the same thing at all. Both are protected, incidentally, but that doesn’t matter.

Fabulously enough, when she tweeted that, some DIE cultist responded that a list had already been started. How horrifying. DIE Cultists are already sharpening their knives, and they’re doing it on our college campuses.

Dr. Saad uses his experiences in Lebanon to highlight the principles on which he has based his life: Freedom and Truth. Consequently, he is an epic champion of free speech and condemnation of DIE Cultists, based on their anti-science ideologies.

Now, what does that mean? Well, People on the left…and sorry, I have to include this divide, but DIE Cultists would have you believe they are the only ones who believe in science because People on the Right are all religious nuts who don’t believe in evolution…which is ironic as people on the right acknowledge that we are a sexually reproducing species, while people on the left don’t know the difference between a man and a woman.

It's no surprise DIE Cultists hate Dr. Saad. So what is a DIE Cultist? Well, they call themselves Progressives, which is hilarious because they are super regressive in their thoughts and policies. But they call themselves Progressive while calling for Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity. Ok, they usually call it Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, but Dr. Saad’s ordering is much more accurate. Because DIE is where logic and reason die a horrible screaming violent death. If you believe this, you DIE intellectually. You will lose brain cells, and become a screaming zombie of brainless death.

Diversity…except in thought. You can be diverse in any way you want…as long as you think the same way we do.

Inclusion…if you’re part of the in crowd and buy the ideology, you are included. If you don’t you are excluded…a deplorable who should be destroyed.

Equity…being fair and impartial to the group. If you’re not in, you’re out, and fuck what’s fair to you. Equity calls for such rigid adherence to a system of veneration and devotion. It’s the literal dictionary definition of a cult.

Here are a few bon mottes from The Parasitic Mind that invariably have DIE Cultists screaming in DIE outrage:

Occasionally, being offended is the price one pays for living in a truly free society. Your feelings might get hurt. Grow a pair and move on.”

My thoughts: That’s so not politically correct! You can’t tell someone to grow a pair! You can’t say that! That’s just misogyny! Only men have balls, women can’t grow a pair. And what about transgenders! HOW DARE YOU!

An ever growing number of academic administrators is hired to ensure that the DIE Cult reigns supreme. University of Michigan Flint has estimated that the U of MI has 93 employees on the payroll to uphold the tenants of the DIE at a total yearly  cost of $11 million. The top DIE administrator within that list receives a yearly compensation of $396,550—more than the combined salary of four faculty members at most universities.”

My thoughts: If you want to know WHY tuition is so high, why student loans are skyrocketing, pay attention. You are paying the high cost of indoctrinating your children into the DIE Cult. Spend your money wisely. If you are taking out student loans to pay to indoctrinate yourself, question the need to pay for an education that can be obtained online for free. Literally! For Free. MIT has all their class syllabus online…for free. The only thing you won’t get is a piece of paper saying you paid to take the class.

You can go to libraries and get an education FOR FREE. Probably better than colleges, since you get to pick the books you read if you go to the library, versus being told what to read by a professor, who is part of the DIE Cult. Learn for yourselves! That’s what I’m doing.

It is terribly condescending and patronizing to pretend that women need men to serve as their allies. This is a form of infantilism that should not exist in a meritocratic system.

My thoughts: Do good work. If you do good work, you don’t need anyone to defend you, your work will speak for itself. Now, yes there are shitty people out there. There are assholes out there who will try to claim your work. If You did the work…then they didn’t. Which means they don’t actually have the knowledge to back it up. And you do. Stop being a baby! Grow a pair! Stand on your own two feet! Weird how those ideas flow together.

“My satire proved prophetic after the Canadian Cancer Society released an ad campaign with the photo of a trans-woman (meaning a biological male) to represent a demographic group at risk for cervical cancer.”

My thoughts: Now…I have…or maybe after this video posts, a transgender friend….and Dr. Saad recognizes gender dysphoric disorder and how incredibly rare this is. I’m pretty sure my fried is actually trans and not trendy-trans, because she was trans before it was trendy. Now try a YouTube search of de-transitioning videos. This is also a growing phenomenon. Now, for my friend, I would hope that she is rational enough to realize, that while she has had the surgeries and identifies as a woman, a belief I will back her in because she makes an effort to be feminine presenting, but she is at ZERO risk for cervical cancer. Because she does not now and has never had a cervix. Much like I am not and never will be at risk for prostate cancer.

You would think that a better spokeswoman would be someone who was biologically female and had actually survived cervical cancer.

“Under totalitarian regimes the solution is direct. You criminalize if not violently suppress or kill any dissenting voices. In the west, the indoctrination is subtler. It is achieved by an ethos of political correctness best enforced by creating university campuses that lack intellectual diversity.”

My thoughts: It’s subtler, because the Constitution guarantees us all the right to free speech. So instead of coming right out and saying “No don’t say that, congress says you can’t.” They’re doing it by indoctrinating you on college campuses. And on social media, where you are told by cancel mobs what you are not allowed to say.

“When there are no longer scary MAGA hat wearing Trump Supporters to tar and feather on university campuses, the progressive mob will turn against its less pure members. The radical snake always ends up eating its own tail.”

My thoughts: I repeat the question—What does it feel like to live in fear of your “friends” who will cancel  you for being less pure than they are?

Last thought:

“So many University graduates today are unable to debate because they have never been exposed to opposing view points, and they consider opposing view points simply as heresies to be met with protests and hysterical fits. To function optimally, our evolved faculty for critical thinking expects to be challenged by contrary opinions.”

My thoughts: We’re breeding a nation of weaklings. And I don’t mean that in the physical sense of the word, although there is that too, I mean we’re breeding an entire nation of people who, God forbid we’re ever ACTUALLY invaded, because they’ll roll over and die. And I mean that literally, they’ll just die. And thank their benefactors for coming in and stomping on them because they don’t know how to react to challenges. Beyond screaming in terror. It’s horrifying that THIS is what’s seen as normal on a country that’s built on individualism.

I loved this book. I loved this book because I am a free speaker and a free thinker. I love that he is defending those ideas (free speech/thought) here in the west. The entire book is laid out logically and consistently, progressing from one ridiculous DIE ethos to the next, and destroying them consistently with an eye towards truth and freedom.  


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