Prey: Immigration, Islam, and the Erosion of the Rights of Women

I am always curious about what people don’t want you to know, and so I picked up Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s latest book, Prey: Immigration, Islam, and the Erosion of the Rights of Women. It was quite eye opening.

The Unsafe Streets

The introduction and part one of this book is called Unsafe Streets. And here author Ayaan Hirsi Ali lays out the premise for her book and what she intends to prove. And she sets out doing just that, using absolute facts to support her premise, which is simply this: Islam teaches men that women don’t count. And when Islamic immigrants meet European values of freedom and equality, the culture clash is detrimental to women’s rights.

Now, she is actually very clear in her words. She is very specific, that no, this is not true of ALL immigrants and refugees. But it’s true of enough of them that women in Europe are starting to change their own patterns, not going out at night, not jogging, not celebrating or living life, in response to a series of attacks as a result of immigrants, attacks which are not being punished by law enforcement and sometimes not even acknowledged by authorities, for fear of being labeled racist by a media that is controlled overwhelmingly by the left.

And on the extreme right, they take advantage of the lack of reporting to stoke fear and push for even more stringent refugee and immigration guidelines that exclude those who legimately need a safe place to be.

So in the first part, she lays out the statistics, explains in detail how we got here, and explains the problems with both the complete lack of acknowledgement on the left and fearmongering on the right. She does this concisely, with attention to detail that leaves no doubt of where she’s going, but the road there still looms large.

And she includes a chapter on very specific incidents. Verified incidents. Where women have been attacked by Muslim immigrants. With no or minimal punishment to the attackers. And the reason for the attacks has universally been “It’s only a woman.” And how women are responding by voluntarily changing their own patterns.

Overall, part one was sobering. And enlightening. She is focusing on Europe because this is where the bulk of immigration is occurring. Which makes sense. Proximity to immigrants seeking refuge makes Europe their likely landing place. But what’s happening in Europe is what happens when you do not insist that immigrants conform to the land they are coming to. When you allow them to create their own enclaves, and don’t enforce the laws of your land upon them, allowing disgraceful assaults to occur because it’s how they were raised… It’s heartbreaking to read about the lived experience of the women who have been attacked, raped…murdered.

And it’s a subtle takeover. One story relates how a local coffee shop, which used to be welcoming to all, has slowly become a men’s only location. And one wonders where the feminists are? If there were an all men’s club in the United States they would scream to high heaven. And yet we hear a resounding silence on the matter of men only coffee shops in predominately Islamic neighborhoods. She relays a story of a woman who did a film project. Wearing a dress and boots, all she did was walk around and recorded are the comments that are made to her. In the United States, you might…MAYBE…get a wolf whistle. When walking past a construction zone. And probably not even that anymore, as companies fear the highly litigious nature of the average American feminist. In Brussels, where this film called Femme de la Rue was filmed in 2012, she is called “Slut” “Whore” and comments such as “Nice Ass” and “If I could, I would put it in your Ass!” are shouted at her as she walks by.

Things have not gotten better in the decade since the film was made, and the artist herself was accused of making rightwing propaganda. I am anxious reading this book. I am worried about the future of the West, when we cede our way of life, our absolute equality of the sexes, under the false flags the feminists throw up. Never before in history, in any part of the world, have women held the rights and privileges they do now. And those rights are being eroded and ceded without a fight. So that the woke can pretend not to be racists. I am terrified to see what I will learn in part two.

The European Establishment Abrogates Responsibility for Women’s Safety

This part is fairly short, and here is where we see how the breakdown of European laws in general are a definitive contributing factor to the problems women are facing in Europe. And asylum laws as they exist in Europe are pretty straightforward, but rarely enforced. Technically, refugees are required to seek asylum in the first country they enter the European Union through. In reality, a large number of them enter from any number of ports, then go to Germany to seek asylum, knowing that Germany is the most likely to grant asylum.

If asylum is not granted, the refugee has X number of days to leave the European Union. In reality, what typically happens is the refugee either goes underground, becoming an illegal immigrant, or they border hop to another EU nation state and seek asylum there. All the while receiving benefits such as housing and stipend checks from the country they are living in.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali identifies the usual timeline of social breakdown at 400 days. It is typically 400 days from the time asylum is denied to the point where the refugee begins committing violent acts against women. And the police are outclassed every way. The refugees are coming from countries where any interaction with law enforcement can easily end with anything from a beating to time in a torture cell to actual death. So when the refugee interacts with law enforcement in Europe and walks away from the encounter with a caution that their behavior is unacceptable, instead of thanking Allah that they are in a country where interactions are civilized by the rule of law, they look at law enforcement contemptuously, and start to believe they don’t have to follow the laws, since law enforcement is so weak.

The other problem law enforcement faces is the matter of deportation. When they actually do try and convict someone with a matter serious enough to require deportation, sometimes the country of origin refuses to repatriate the refugee. The EU finds itself in the position of paying billions of dollars to African nations to get them to accept the refugees back. And by no means all of them. A handful of deportees might be repatriated, at the cost of millions of Euros.

And then there are the laws themselves, which make it illegal to deport someone to a country where their lives might be in danger. Since most of the refugees are coming from war torn nations like Iraq, Iran, and Syria, even when they do commit violent crimes in the EU, EU law prohibits their deportation. Then there are the do-gooders who know nothing. The people who will protest deporting a refugee just because he is a refugee, never mind what laws he’s broken in the EU.

So far there are no easy answers to the predicament the EU finds itself in. But the problem has grown steadily worse in the last decade. And women are paying the price.

Clashing Civilizations, Revisited

In this part, Ayaan Hirsi Ali explains some of the fundamental differences between Islam and the rights of women, starting with The Modesty Doctrine. Which fundamentally means that women are always the property of a man. When you are a child and before you are married, you are the property of your father. Once you are married, you are the property of your husband. If you are divorced, you return to your father and if  you are widowed, you typically become the property of your husbands brother, who may or may not take you on as an extra wife. And if you don’t belong to a man, then you are Prey. Which leads to The Rape Game. Seriously. This is a thing among Islamists. No, not ALL muslims are this disgusting. But fundamentalists are fundamentally broken inside. And if you see fully half of the worlds population as nothing more than property, then you are the problem.

The Rape Game is how journalist Lara Logan came to be assaulted, raped, and beaten within an inch of her life during the Arab Spring in Cairo’s Tahrir Square in 2011. This chapter includes Lara’s experience. It includes stories of women’s lived experiences throughout the Middle East, in heavily Islamic neighborhoods. Women who were not like Lara. Women who are themselves Muslim and are very modest. But they have the temerity…or sometimes lack of options…that have them walking unaccompanied outside. And that is enough to warrant sexual assault. And the accompanying honor attacks on themselves. Remember…if a woman is raped, it is absolutely her fault. Because men can’t control themselves.

No…no…wait. That logic has been soundly rejected in the West. As long as the perpetrator is a white man. The miscarriage of justice that screams out from this book for women who have been raped or otherwise assaulted, but the perpetrator is either released entirely, or only minimally sentenced, because of the difference in cultural norms, is nauseating. This book was horror story riveting, and my heart aches for these women. And not just the European women who, as soon as they sign the complaint, are forced to defend and justify themselves as not racist. Because apparently the answer “What does that have to do with the fact that he raped me?” Is not good enough. Frankly, it would not matter if every single one of these women was so screamingly racist they believed all Muslims should be shipped to Afghanistan in time to catch a nuclear bomb. The fact remains that they HAVE been raped. And rather than condemning the men who do it, the judiciary more often than not has been giving the assailants a free pass based on culture clash.

And why hasn’t integration happened? Refugees have been pouring in to Europe for 20 years now, yet rather than integrating to Europe’s cultural norms, European women are being forced to relinquish their own rights and privileges in the name of safety. Put bluntly, the immigrants refuse to integrate. They refuse to learn new societal norms. They refuse to allow their women to work outside the house and keep them pregnant so that they can collect more welfare benefits for the children. And because the men see women as prey, when they encounter one in the workforce, they are at best disrespectful.

No…not ALL refugees fit this mold. But enough do that tension is becoming a very real thing in Europe, which leads to Europes version of the Alt-Right winning elections, while in heavily Muslim communities, parallel societies are built that maintain the status quo. And while there are social programs in place to assist with integration, they are designed to fail. After all, if the immigrants integrate, the programs will no longer need to exist. And when was the last time any government anywhere voluntarily cut programs?

One of the alarming things to come out of this failure to integrate are the grooming gangs. The Islamists who deliberately seek out young girls…girls as young as 10 or 11…with the intention of pulling them into prostitution in the Islamic communities. But thank god, there are good people who are working to stop this. People like prosecutor Nazir Afzal, who secured the first convictions of grooming gangs in the UK. It became very hard to scream that Afzal was racist, as he himself is Muslim. But his moral compass points true north, and so he was able to help these children obtain justice.

Solutions, Fake and Real

There is a real propensity to blame the victim, when the perpetrator is Muslim. It has become the proverbial elephant in the room. The accuser and the authorities are so scared of being called racist, that the accused gets a pass. And so child brides are unfortunately common in refugee communities. And women are being forcibly segregated in public spaces, for their own protection, of course.

One reaction has been the populist reaction. This is not good. The far screaming right are of the proverbial mindset “kill them all and lot god sort it out.” But that same populist reaction will screech to high heaven when feminists condemn men, saying “not ALL men engage in X.” No, not all men do. And neither do all Muslims. But those same feminists are the ones who ignore the plight of women from Middle Eastern countries, in the name of multiculturalism.

The final chapter is Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s recommendations for integration, which is a solid middle of the road approach to the problem. Starting with repealing the existing asylum framework, which makes entry as easy as getting to Europe. All you have to do is show up. You make it to the continent, you can claim asylum. In addition to raising the bar to entry a bit, you need to set a reasonable expectation that people will jump over that bar, with enforceable penalties for failure. And anyone who is unwilling to embrace the laws and values of their new home, they should be deported.

Her second point is to address the push factors, the thing that is leading so many to leave their home countries. Currently, the United States spends the most on defense and addressing problems in the troubled regions. There is not an easy solution here, but at the bare minimum we should ensure that aid that is sent, is received by the intended recipients, and not by the warlords in charge. Hand in hand with the push factors, are the pull factors. The severely bloated welfare states of Europe offer a lot of incentive to come, but no incentive to integrate. But there is hope. Individual nations are implementing their own policies, with tremendous results. “Since 2018, migrants entering Austria have to sign an Integration Declaration, committing them to meeting obligations if they want to receive government assistance and maintain residential status in Austria” (p. 262) Failure to comply results in sanctions. And if after two years they are still not in compliance, they are sent back to their home countries. This…has been most effective.

A very logical step would be to reinstate the rule of law. You do not restrict the freedoms of the innocent. You punish the guilty. For those who would scream about multiculturalism, I would say this: If they liked things the way they were, why did they leave home and come to Europe? Things were clearly not working at the country of origin. They opted to leave. So they must integrate to their new home. Which means any violation of other peoples rights, will result in punishment. Regardless of the “cultural norms” they grew up with.

Listen to the successful immigrants. Those who have come before and fully integrated with their new homes. They’ve done it, they have good advice.

And finally, provide sex education to all children. This one is not as far out there as it may seem. Sex is so taboo in Islamic neighborhoods, and not teaching boys about bodily autonomy contributes to the sexual assaults as they grow into men.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali ends with a note on Gilead. Yes, Gilead from The Handmaid’s Tale. The one the shrieking harpies of the left are so sure that white cis-hetero males are determined to bring about in America. Without ever acknowledging that the state of Gilead already exists. In the Islamic parallel societies burgeoning throughout Europe.

This book was initially reviewed on YouTube on March 20, 2022, but is now available on Rumble and PodBean.


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