United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis

This weeks book is one I picked up a few months ago basically because mainstream media said there was no such thing as mass delusional psychosis. And I have found there are two types of people in the world: Those who blindly accept what they are told by mainstream media, and those who immediately seek to find out what the media is trying to hide. I count myself a proud member of the latter and when I did an Amazon search for Mass Delusional Psychosis, this book popped up number one: United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis by Dr. Mark McDonald.

Right out the gate, I’m going to tell you this book was a 100 page long confirmation bias for me. Literally nothing he said in here surprised me. And no, that is not, by any metric or means, because I am smarter than the average bear. I am not. I am not a doctor. What I am is a grown ass woman who is capable of rational, logical thought. Do I have emotional moments? Yes, yes I do. I am human. It happens. But I don’t make decisions about my life based on emotions, and having spent most of my adult life reading history, I have nothing but contempt and mistrust for government agencies and the media that has ceded it’s voice and duty as the fourth estate in favor of bolstering their numbers. Consequently, I have nothing but contempt for those who have ceded their own ability to think to a media and government that gives not two shits about them. I am, perhaps, a bit cynical these days.

So what is Mass Delusional Psychosis? Basically, the people in power put out there the fear of…X. In this case, the most recent medical crises that swept the world. I’m going to try not to say it. My channel is small enough I might fly under the radar, but it’s also small enough to be completely buried by the algorithms if I run afoul of the tube gods, so we’ll see if I can fly low enough here.

So how did the recent crises contribute to this psychosis? What happened here was a perfect confluence of corruption and stupidity (my words, not Dr. McDonalds…remember, I’m cynical here. He actually wants to help people, actually giving advise on how people can help themselves. I just wanna watch it all burn at this point.  Dr. McDonald would probably say I have anger issues.)

It starts with women. The feminists…like third and fourth wave feminists that is…caused this issue. First wave feminism, for the right to vote is fine. Even second wave feminism is fine, seeking equality in the work place. But we have that now…yes, despite what modern feminists would have you believe, we are, in fact more than equal in the work place, and the overwhelming majority of college graduates these days are women. For more information on this, see Who Stole Feminism? By Christina Hoff Sommers. But the third and fourth wave feminists, finding no dragons left to slay, are creating problems where none needed to exist. They are no longer seeking equality, they are seeking retribution for injustices they never suffered. Virtually every white woman born in the US today, was born after women’s suffrage, meaning they have always had the right to vote. Black women had suffrage from 1965 on. So basically, all the women bitching, have always had this equity and equality. So now, they want revenge for injustices they never suffered. Which means beating down the men in their lives until they are thoroughly emasculated. And to no ones shock and surprise, the majority of women doing this are the screeching harpies of the left.

Now, again, my words. Dr. McDonald is much…kinder…in his terminology, referring to them as liberal, educated women. Not so educated that they retain a lick of common sense. Because common sense says a cloth mask will do between jack and shit against respiratory infections. I mean crap, have you SEEN what virologists wear when working with highly infectious respiratory diseases? Yeah…but your little piece of cotton is TOTALLY effective.

Whew…anger issues…I has them.

So these highly, some might say over educated, white women, listen to the news and…get this…ACTUALLY BELIEVE WHAT THEY ARE TOLD! Not a shred of skepticism. I genuinely believe, to the core of my being, that if President Trump had actively advocated for lockdowns, instead of referring it to the individual states, these same women would have come out in favor of Constitutional rights.

So they believe what they are told by the media, which is complicit in giving power to the government. And because they have fully emasculated the men in their lives, their husbands just want peace at home. And so rather than calling into question this insane policy of covering your face no matter what, they go along with it. And they allow their children to fall prey to the wife’s psychosis. And overwhelmingly, the children have suffered over these garbage policies.

So what about the men? These emasculated men, who should be keeping their wives safe, are unable to do so. Why? Because the ultra-feminists who maintain that not only CAN women do it all, they SHOULD do it all, have convinced the over-educated liberal elites that if they DON’T do it all, they have failed as women. And so these liberal women basically treat their husbands as another child to be cared for, maintaining control over all the things. And that control is a major sign of anxiety. Controlling everything around them, including complete strangers, helps these women deal with the anxiety and stress of what they see on the news every day. Of the confirmation bias THEY deal with, every day, by their choice of social circle.

Turns out, the reason the FAA asked for mask mandates wasn’t that the FAA thought masks did any good. It’s that the masked fliers were causing such a problem in regards to the unmasked, that the FAA caved to the terrorists…Sorry.

No really, that was uncalled for. They caved to the terrorized. These women are and were genuinely scared. Most of them. I have no doubt that some of them went this route for the same reason government and media did: to obtain and retain power over those around them. But quite a few of them, probably most, have been and  were genuinely scared.

So what do we do about this? How do those who have been fear stricken and paralyzed by anxiety, work their way out of this black hole of despair? First off, the men have to man up. Listen, I get it. This is not natural in the 21st century, after decades of being told that women don’t even need men, to be told that men are needed for positive masculinity…they are needed for their ability to sooth and protect their mates. Fuck feminists and their bulllshit harping on toxic masculinity. Assuming most of these men are not violent wife beaters, they are needed to calm their mates and help them navigate through extremely stressful times and they need to help these women develop a measured, logical response, to what has been gross government overreach in the face of what is actually very little threat. Think Tweek and Craig from South Park, when Tweek is freaking out over North Korea. Craig is an AWESOME boyfriend in that instance. Be like Craig…and realize that yes…you are married to Tweek.

Incidentally, it’s not just me saying this. He includes TWENTY NINE PAGES of links to articles about just how non-threatening this is whole “pandemic” has been. A not inconsiderable number of those article have been from the CDC website. Wall Street Journal. National Institute of Mental Health. I mean, it’s not what would be considered fringe sources.

So, in addition to the men stepping up and being men… good men. Again, this is not a clarion call towards spousal violence, just a call to engage in healthy, respectful discussion, the other thing women can do is break away from the confirmation bias. Not me, obviously. I mean, I was RIGHT after all. But seriously, if everyone you speak with agrees with you, you are surrounded by confirmation bias, which means you are not getting the whole story.

And also, people…people! Here IS Something I am really guilty of. Don’t be a bitch when someone sees the light. Seriously, I saw this meme on Instagram the other day, from Culture’s Shadow. And I reposted it to Facebook with the comment “putz.” Then I started thinking about it and realized here is someone who has broken that cycle. Someone who is no longer delusional. And rather than reaching out and asking what changed? How’d you come to see things this way? My knee jerk reaction was “putz.” So that’s on me. If we want to end this divide in America, seriously. Look in the mirror. When someone crosses that bridge, do you hold out a hand in invitation and welcome? Or do you use that hand to push them off the ledge? Be better than me folks.

Something not addressed in this book, which to me was the basically the elephant in the room, is that women on the left tend to seek men from the left. Seriously. And the men on the left of have already been emasculated by years of indoctrination from schools, and reinforced at home, by their very left of center wives. And so you have a perfect loop of reinforcement. And he cites quite specifically that the women driving this psychosis are a small minority who are overwhelmingly politically left.

And he cares. Like I said, I’ve developed anger issues over all of this. Which probably explains my contempt and putz reaction. I mean, I am highly educated. I have an MBA! And I have managed to avoid this pit fall. But here, I am a reasoned example of what he means by men…you have GOT TO STEP UP! I’ve been married a little over a year, but my husband and I have been together for 16 years at this point. And I was every bit as leftist as the average college graduate. Not a rabid leftist, but I voted Democrat in 2004. But I was not rabid about it. Which is why when I met my husband, and he logically challenged some of my assertions, he caused me to think about my responses. I genuinely liked this guy, and I didn’t want to scare him off by being psychotically bitchy or insisting I was always rights, especially because I knew, statistically, it’s impossible to be always right. And when I couldn’t voice a sound reason for something I had believed, I listened to his view point. And he helped pull me towards the center. And now I lean towards anarcho-capitalism and he is more of a min-archist. But even those differences we respectfully challenge each other, even when we don’t see eye to eye.

Overall this book was good. I honestly would have liked to see the thoughts fleshed out a bit more. And while he has those 29 pages of articles, on top of the 100 pages of text, I would have liked to see his statements directly annotated. I want to see more. I would like to see this expanded to a 300 page book. I think the material and concept is there. I think there are enough historical examples he could pull from to expand just how dangerous Mass Delusional Psychosis is to a population as a whole, not just during this latest medical scare, but post 9/11, the various world wars, the cold war…all these include examples of government and media run amuck and how this has affected the population. And I think expanding it to a full 300+ pages would be beneficial overall, and probably come off as less judgmental of the left in the 21st century. As it is, it reads like Cassandra screaming into the void, with the media representing the population who treats her, or in this case him, like he’s crazy.  And like I said…if someone crosses that bridge, don’t push them off. Welcome them to the center. When the center pulls together, we can punch a hole through the far political extremes.

This book was originally reviewed on YouTube on April 10, 2022, but is now available on Rumble and PodBean.


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