Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy

Continuing my journey into the insane world of social justice, this week’s book of the week is Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy by Andy Ngo.

For those who do not know who Andy Ngo is, he was launched to national prominence when he survived a vicious beating administered by Antifa in June of 2019 which left him with a brain bleed and PTSD. And rather than beating him into submission, Antifa, as near as I can tell, pissed him off, because he has, ever since, made it his mission to shine a bright national spotlight on the malfeasance that is Antifa’s ideology and leit motif.

One year after this incident, Ngo, in an act of absolutely insane courage I cannot even fathom, went undercover at the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle, WA, where he spent a week wearing a black balaclava and gathering data on anitfa’s movements in CHAZ, reporting on the murders, assaults, and rapes of Antifa for the approximately three weeks the government ceded all rationality and allowed this insanity to reign. He was forced to leave CHAZ when Antifa pegged him as Andy Ngo based on how he moved, and he barely made it out while managing to avoid another beating. Antifa HATES Ngo.

So, who or what are Antifa? They say, quite simply, that they are Anti-facists…Antifa, get it? What they don’t say is that they are active communists. What they really don’t say is that it’s a-ok for them to use fascist tactics, because they are actually anti-fascism. Which sounds great, right? Let’s really quick look at the dictionary definition of fascism. “A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism”

And, admittedly, that sounds terrible. I mean, we’re halfway there, we have a capitalist economy that is subject to stringent government controls, but we don’t have a dictator, and so far, the only violent suppression of the opposition is done by Antifa. But it’s ok, because they are ANTI-facsist. So, they can be fascist pricks. Because they are against it.

But they are communists. So, what does the dictionary say is the definition of communism? “A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.”

One can see why these are two sides of the same coin. So much so that back in the 1930’s…. yes, NINETY YEARS AGO….when Antifa started in Germany, they actually worked with the national socialistiche partei de Deutschland….aka the Nazi’s. They literally worked with the Nazi’s to stop capitalism. Because it turns out neither nazis nor communists like free markets. Most governments don’t like free markets. But that is a tangent and not the topic of this book.

Ngo outlines in horrifying detail how Antifa jumped from the Weimar Republic and has risen to prominence in the last decade and how the media has been complicit. Both sides of the media. The left pretends like Antifa is all fuzzy bunny’s and fiery but peaceful protests. The right acts like Antifa are goofy hippies, who might throw a clumsy punch but are incapable of inflicting much actual damage. Both are wildly incorrect and grossly inaccurate in their reporting. But the reasons for the two versions presented are vastly different.

The left presents them as peaceful because the leftist media is completely complicit in their rise to prominence. And Antifa is careful to curate that image, only allowing media who are friendly to them anywhere near their protests. Because that friendly media will carefully blur out any identifying features that might land Antifa in trouble legally. And in turn, the leftist media AGREES to this.

The left also publishes ad nauseum any and all allegations of assault that Antifa reports at the hands of right-wing activists, and rarely if ever retract those allegations when evidence to the contrary is presented. And acts of violence perpetrated by the left are never mentioned…or if they are mentioned, they are immediately buried once the political affiliation of the perpetrator are made known. This topic was explored a lot in Larry Correia’s book In Defense of the Second Amendment.

On the right, they might suspect how dangerous Antifa are, but they don’t actually know. And so, the social media streams share memes showing Antifa as being ineffectual. But in reality, they are as well armed as the worst neo-Nazi’s. And they practice with them. And if someone is willing to pick up a gun, you MUST believe that they are able and willing to use it.

So Antifa is armed, and thanks to the efforts of Project Veritas, we know they undergo training. Ideological training, operational security training, physical training, weapons training. Not even joking, when reading through the training regimen Project Veritas managed to get ahold of, which are included in Ngo’s book, I thought the CIA could probably learn a thing or two. They are very organized. They are coordinated. And the local governments are complicit in a way the CIA could only dream about.

In Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, local police were told to stand down. The mayors in those towns allowed rioting and chaos to reign for days on end. In Portland, rioting has become so common place that the residents of Portland don’t even notice it anymore.

He covers how Antifa is winning the culture war, mostly because they have thoroughly infiltrated college campuses. For more on that, refer back to Cynical Theories by Helen Pluckrose and James Lyndsay, although Ngo includes a run-down of this phenomena as well. And Ngo draws the bridge between Black Lives Matter and Antifa. And their extortion.

For example, when Ngo went to the 2019 protest that resulted in his beating, he had a friend, Bill Bradley, go with him. Bradley is politically left but believes in free press and free speech. Bradley is also a martial arts instructor. Bradley was chased away from the riot location by Antifa, and they later sent him an email, offering him the option to publicly denounce Ngo and side with Antifa. They offered him street level protection from Antifa…. how very mafia right? They also gave him the choice to publicly align his business with Antifa by turning his gym into an Antifa training facility. And the email closed with “you can learn a lot about someone based on the enemies they make over time, and right now you have the opportunity to take a stand against hatred in our community. Please consider who you want to publicly denounce and make your decision wisely.”

Bradley, as is evidenced by the body of this email appearing in Ngo’s book, decided Antifa were enemies’ worth having, based on their bullying tactics. And so rejected the “offers” made to him by Antifa and refused to denounce Ngo. In the interim Antifa has tried to ruin his business with lies and slander.

But businesses that are friendly to this leftist’s terrorist organization can be found through a website called Slingshot Collective. Don’t misunderstand, these businesses are not dependent on actual business. Most operate through anonymous donations. And some of them…maybe all, but at least some…are fronts for Antifa. And basically, any semi-large city in the US has one. Including my little town of Reno. So that’ll be fun for me.

Ngo outlines some of the worst violent Antifa attacks…not just the one on him, but against federal buildings, protests, at least one school shooting at Cascade Middle school in Eugene, OR…but that one didn’t get the national press that other shootings do. Mostly because the only one killed was the Antifa person involved. School resource officers on scene managed to stop it cold.

Antifa are home grown terrorists. They get their power by terrorizing those around them. Through rioting, through intimidation, through coercion and exploitation. One of their most effective methods of terror is doxing, wherein they will release the contact information of a private citizen. Names, phone, email address, physical address. And they’ll send people out to confirm the address is correct. Ngo has video footage of Antifa checking the address on a package at his parents’ house. While doxing is not allowed on pretty much any social media site, the site will only really ban the originating account, which is usually a dummy account. The reshares are free to share as much as they want. And so doxing happens. And the useful idiots and Antifa rebels respond in kind by terrorizing whoever is doxed. Which is ironic because Antifa gave out interviews to friendly journalists about how much having their own bad actions publicized…. when they do get caught…negatively impacts them personally. Poor babies don’t LIKE getting in trouble for their actions but will gladly sic an angry mob on someone who dares to disagree that they know all about everything.

Antifa, while generally embracing anarcho-communism, has recognized the usefulness of politicians who back their cause. They recognize it with the mayors of friendly cities who let them riot unabated. And they recognize it with the profoundly useful idiot, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. Who pushes the narrative that Trump is a fascist, and those who support him are fascists.

I mention this, because while the media has been very quiet about Antifa’s movements this year, in just seven short months, the election season will start again. And with Trump making noises about running again, I predict more violence in the coming months and years. Because Antifa is planning to violently overtake the country. And they are starting with the heavily blue cities.  Because the mayors of blue cities won’t allow the police to respond. So…you really are on your own. The police are not coming to help. So be very aware.

And if you are wondering how to tell which press you can trust…. if the press is allowed to record or interview Antifa unmolested, then they are complicit. As Ngo says, “I did not like Trump’s 2019 comment describing the mainstream media as “truly the enemy of the people,” but one can see the basis for that sentiment when looking at how transparently extreme ideologues are presented as the arbiters of truth.” Michael Malice tweeted an Emma Goldman quote from 1889 “Don’t you think one of the rotten newspaper offices should be blown up—editors, reporters, and all? That would teach the press a lesson.”

Well…. that really depends. It seems likely that if a newspaper office were blown up, the papers would blame right wing extremists. Until it came out it was actually Antifa. Then the story would vanish into the black hole into which ALL stories of leftist malfeasance disappear.

This book scared the hell out of me. I was one of those who believed the memes I shared above. They can’t even get out of their chairs; how scary can they be? As scary as al Qaeda. And as scary as the nazi’s they purport to hate. But really what they hate is freedom.

And they really don’t like freedom of speech. Or freedom of thought. They really only like you if you goose step your way in line with them. If you deviate from THEIR norm, you are a fascist. And there is no reprieve. The only way to PROVE you are not a fascist, is to pay the dane geld. Too bad no one ever told the mayors of blue cities that once you pay the Dane geld, you never get rid of the Dane.

That’s a famous Rudyard Kipling poem. One probably NOT taught on woke college campuses.

IT IS always a temptation to an armed and agile nation.

   To call upon a neighbour and to say: –

"We invaded you last night – we are quite prepared to fight,

   Unless you pay us cash to go away."

 And that is called asking for Dane-geld,

   And the people who ask it explain

That you've only to pay 'em the Dane-geld

   And then  you'll get rid of the Dane!

 It is always a temptation for a rich and lazy nation,

   To puff and look important and to say: –

"Though we know we should defeat you, we have not the time to meet you.

   We will therefore pay you cash to go away."

 And that is called paying the Dane-geld;

   But we’ve proved it again and  again,

That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld

   You never get rid of the Dane.

 It is wrong to put temptation in the path of any nation,

   For fear they should succumb and go astray;

So when you are requested to pay up or be molested,

   You will find it better policy to say: --

 "We never pay any-one Dane-geld,

   No matter how trifling the cost;

For the end of that game is oppression and shame,

   And the nation that plays it is lost!"

That poem was NOT in Ngo’s book. But is highly relevant to the topic at hand. Once you give Antifa an inch, they will take a mile. And the only way to win is to fight this terrorism with every breath. Everyone talks about right wing extremists. I didn’t know left wing extremists were a thing. Until I read Any Ngo’s Unmasked, which shed light on this growing problem. And I highly recommend this book. Ngo is insanely brave, for the way he tackled this from the first, to the way he keeps coming back to the fight, to the active social media voice he has presented wherein he keeps the face of Antifa front and center, shining a light on the darkness of their violence.

This book was originally reviewed on YouTube on May 14, 2023, but is now available on Rumble and PodBean.


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