The End of Gender: Debunking the Myths About Sex and Identity in Our Society

This week’s book joined my library a year ago when it was first published and I realized that the screeching harpies of the illiberal left would be coming for the author’s head. And I thought to myself “Self….you should buy that while you can.” The End of Gender: Debunking the Myths About Sex and Identity in Our Society by Dr. Debra Soh.

First off, for those who don’t know who she is, Dr. Debra Soh has a PhD in neuroscience, specializing in gender, sex, and sexual orientation. I believe she did her doctorate on paraphilias, that is, unusual sexual preferences.

What all that means is, she’s not just talking out of her ass on this topic. She comes from a genuine scientific background, not a social justice background. And she delivers all the latest research in a genuinely easy to read, layman’s, language, so you can understand what she’s talking about. This, incidentally, is not an easy thing for someone who spends decades in academia to do. Now, she is no longer in academia, having made the jump to journalism because of, what can only be described as the infiltration of extreme left politics into scientific research. Politics has NO BUSINESS in science. The two are absolutely mutually exclusive. Sorry folks, but that’s my opinion. Once you allow politics to flavor your research, you’re no longer doing research, you’re building propaganda.

The book is broken down into nine chapters, tackling nine different myths of the social justice movement. In order, the myths are these:

1.       Biological Sex is a Spectrum

2.       Gender is a Social Construct

3.       There are more than Two Genders

4.       Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity are Unrelated

5.       Children with Gender Dysphoria Should Transition

6.       No Differences Exist Between Trans Women and Women Who Were Born Women

7.       Women Should Behave Like Men in Sex and Dating

8.       Gender-Neutral Parenting Works

9.       Sexology and Social Justice Make Good Bedfellows

The short answer to each question is:

1.       No

2.       No

3.       No

4.       No

5.       No

6.       No

7.       No

8.       No

9.       No

But this is not a nine-page book. There isn’t just chapter heading, laugh emoji, NO in big capital letters, The End. Dr. Soh carefully analyzes each myth, tells you where it came from, then systematically dismantles it using actual science. She explains where the science came from, includes a detailed bibliography of her references, and peppers each chapter with some pretty heartrending anecdotes. And no, anecdotes don’t make science. That is not the point at all. But the anecdotes, I think, are what drove her to write this book.

So, is biological sex a spectrum? No. We are a sexually reproducing species. And she really narrows this answer down, and includes the biological outliers known as intersex, which social justice activists point to as proof of sex as a spectrum, to explain why that is no proof at all. Essentially, you will produce one of two cells that assists with reproduction. If you produce sperm, you are a male. If you produce eggs, you are a female. This is biology I learned in sex education in the 6th grade. This isn’t just some random theory thrown out there, this is scientific fact. She also explains what scientists mean by theory, and generally when an actual scientist uses the word, they mean this is true until conclusively proven otherwise. Biological sex is NOT a spectrum. She also explains, in methodical, logical, detail, why the “science” being used to prop up these myths is junk. And she does this with each of the myths in turn.

I enjoyed how the book didn’t just tackle gender theory, which is what I expected, but also modern dating, explaining why women are not like men, and should not date like men. And there is so much empathy in this book. I actually feel bad for people who jumped on the hate train without ever bothering to find out what Dr. Soh says, because much like Dr. Mark McDonald’s book, where you could tell he genuinely cares about and is concerned for his patients, Dr. Soh cares. She has genuine concern and compassion for people who are struggling with gender identity and trying to find their way in this over politicized landscape, which makes what should be a very personal and private decision very public in the name of garnishing social justice points.

She allows how there should be room for self-expression, while also pointing out the inherent contradictions of the illiberal lefts position in saying that if girls like gender atypical things like trucks, then they must be transgender, but then get angry about toxic masculinity in men. So…manly things are ok for girls to do, making them men, but not ok for men to do? And how strict gender stereotypes are used to determine who is transgender.  She points out that women are their own worst enemy, and the evolutionary causes of that (see chapter 7). Also, that politics make strange bedfellows, as radical feminists find themselves with common cause of the religious right over the question of transwomen in women only spaces.

And the absolute horror of insisting that very young children should transition at the very hint of gender atypical behavior. There is no such thing as a tomboy anymore. If I grew up today, I would be pressured to transition, even though I know damn well I’m a girl. Hell, Blaire White is more feminine than I am, no joke, and no disrespect, I’m a fan of Blair White. But I know I’m a woman. And I know she is not. And so does she. And if you’re a boy who likes dolls, you MUST be transgender, rather than maybe just a kid who’s a little more empathetic than the average boy, and POSSIBLY gay. Not definitively. But maybe. And it’s no longer ok to BE gay. Being gay used to be enough for social justice points, but now, you have to be willing to have sex with anyone, even if that’s not your thing. The gender confirming movements are awfully rape-y in their speech.  What’s horrifying about this absurdly absolutist mindset is that a large number of children who present as gender atypical will grow out of it. We’re talking like 60 to 90 percent…I think. She has the actual numbers in the book, but I think that’s right. So, all these kids being propped up as the next wave of social justice by their crusading parents, are most likely going to grow out of it and become young men and women that align with their birth sex. And no, you are NOT “assigned” a sex at birth. The doctor isn’t guessing. Observing a penis at birth is basically a fait accompli.

Her last chapter on sexology and social justice was just a cutting commentary on how social justice is destroying science. It for real reminded me of a scene in the book Atlas Shrugged. It’s been a decade since I read it, so I’m going to get some of this wrong, but there was a scientist who refused to look at what would have been a massive advancement for humanity because the politicians who funded him would have lost money, and refused to fund the research. Something like that. And that’s what this felt like. People who are scared to lose their livelihoods and everything they have worked decades for, because of activists. Non-scientific activists, but an incredibly vocal minority, who can and will destroy your livelihood and your life for daring to think against their narrow narrative of what is acceptable.

Dr. Soh is incredibly brave. She took a flying leap of faith that her perspective would be appreciated outside of academia when she switched to journalism, and we as a society are so incredibly lucky she did. This book was excellent, it was part biology book, part psychology book, part political commentary. I feel like someone should send a copy to Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. Because then she could answer the question What is a Woman. And maybe send a copy to Matt Walsh. That remains my favorite Babylon Bee headline to date. And doubly funny, because Dr. Soh is in that documentary. Did she answer him in that? I feel like she may have answered his question. She answered all of mine, at least. Which makes this book well worth reading.

This book was originally reviewed on YouTube on July 17, 2022, but is now available on Rumble and PodBean.


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